inventory controlling

inventory control in the warehouse
Inventory controlling means the control, evaluation and adjustment of stocks in a warehouse. The aim is to optimize inventory and to create a balance between delivery capability and inventory relief.
Inventory controlling is a central area of warehouse management, which is used to plan operational ordering processes and warehouse infrastructure, such as monitoring inventory development and assortment composition or the strategic distribution of goods in the warehouse. Inventory controlling is used to reduce inventories in order to reduce capital and storage costs incurred by keeping them available. Here is an overview of the tasks that can be assigned to inventory controlling:
- Permanent management of inventory in the development of incoming orders and sales
- planning of inventories
- Create transparency for all inventory at all levels of the company
- Differentiation of stocks according to company-specific requirement profiles
- Identification of unproductive stocks and their reduction
- Creation of controlling instruments for the operational areas
- Ongoing reporting on the development of inventory control and situation
Good to know: Reducing inventory costs and stockout costs are two opposing goals, as both costs can never be completely reduced. Inventory costs can be avoided by keeping inventory levels lower, but a high inventory level is necessary to keep stockout costs low.
instruments for inventory controlling
Different means can be used for inventory control:
ABC analysis: Articles with the same or similar characteristics are grouped together and divided into different classes. A-goods with high access frequency, B-goods with medium access frequency and C-goods with low access frequency - the classification can be expanded as required.
XYZ analysis: Articles are classified according to their predicted or derived consumption, thus evaluating the planability of consumption and demand. Applicable, for example, to sales of permanent items, seasonal items or special offers. Material requirements and storage can be planned so that excessive inventory levels can be avoided.
Reach analysis: This calculates how long the stock of an item will be sufficient to satisfy consumer demand.